Poems for the lost souls

poems by blog authour; famous poems and song lyrics to accompany thoughts for day posted in Katyab53's Musings

Monday, March 20, 2006

love never makes sense
suppose it's not supposed to
another man says good bye
they all find fault with me in the end
mom will say "wasn't meant to be"
no matter how i try
they all disappear
i'll go off and lick my wounds for awhile
this time i won't despair and
get depressed
i say
though i feel it coming already
that big wall
that falls
into a big crevice
where i'll hide
for a while
amongst the old memories
of despair
and defeat
all lost loves hide there
in the mortar
of those walls that
hold me

Katherine Bandiera
March 21, 2006


  • At 8:06 AM, Blogger Aaron A. said…

    wow, that one is amazing. it is deep yet calm and easy to follow but still meaningful and damn true.

  • At 5:52 PM, Blogger katya said…

    you understand? thank you Aaron, you get me...it's rough...this love thing...i've really had it...for awhile...tired of it....need a break...a rest, a reprive...i'll retreat behind my walls
    Good Luck with Rachael, take it slow and easy

  • At 6:51 AM, Blogger Aaron A. said…

    Your welcome. And as far as hiding behind walls that is only a temporary fix. You told me to let things ride until they get better. Now im telling you the same thing. I have now doubt that you have seen hard time in the field of love, but is hiding gonna make it any better. Or will it just keep you from finding that special someone that will make it all worth while. Maybe im coming out of left field but that is my opinion.

  • At 8:45 AM, Blogger katya said…

    thanks for your wise words right back at me Aaron; see we can learn from all people...and you are reminding me of that
    all the same sometimes we need to re-centre ourselves....i'm heading back to the farm in May to be solitary ....all the same i'm holding out hope my love will sustain for he has become a special and supportive friend above all else...that is the foundation of true love...my kind of love....best friends
    a bientot mon ami! k

  • At 6:23 AM, Blogger Aaron A. said…

    Well that sounds like the right thing for you to do. I couldent do it though. When i hit hard times i need my friends as close as i can get them. I hope all works out for you Katherine. Oh and as a side note, what type of job do you have that will let you take off like that?

  • At 8:40 AM, Blogger katya said…

    yes, we're all different Aaron, i prefer to "process in solitude"...other than writing things out here (which is really just my on-line journal) and some talk therapy with professionals i prefer to keep private
    re taking off - no, not yet anyways!...
    i will commute to work from there, i'm not abandonning my responsibilities...if i were that nomadic i'd just move out west!
    what i won't have at the farm however -- internet, e-mail, IM access, and will watch hardly any tv or even listen much to the radio, except for the CBC in the early morning before the 1st train to the city
    i will be on an information sabbatical and it will be a spiritual retreat, perfect for my scorpio-piscean soul


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