Poems for the lost souls

poems by blog authour; famous poems and song lyrics to accompany thoughts for day posted in Katyab53's Musings

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

they grew up together
how old it was, when they did meet
i do not know
though for she, her years were but

i did not know one day we three would meet
under that tree, she and me

crowd disappearing
our boots climbing

voices saying run!

at last
we approached
that wood where
many flurried

hearing my sister
in her ear
her name
again ...again

my pad for
vitals i did take
her father
her history
i did seek

like i
unknowing then
that tree had won

time stilled
between c-2 and -3
it did break
that young girl's life

that race complete
angels we wished
they would be
those young girls
there on skiis

on Rabbit's Run

nineteen ninety-one

Katherine Bandiera


  • At 7:25 AM, Blogger Aaron A. said…

    Hey. I like that poem. Im not really sure what it means but there is alot of emotion in it.

  • At 9:00 AM, Blogger katya said…

    thanks Aaron, it was a very emotional incident where a young girl died during a ski race...happened about 15 years ago; i still don't feel the poem does justice, i just needed to heal a little with it
    i hope you're doing well and things are becoming clearer for you in your heart and mind


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